Kelowna Dental Crown Restorations Simplified

Dental crowns are one of the most common restorations we see at Dr. Sandy Crocker, Dr. Peter Mitchell & Associates in Kelowna. A crown can be placed on top of a damaged tooth in order to restore function, aesthetics and shape. Those who suffer from…

Dental crowns are one of the most common restorations we see at Dr. Sandy Crocker, Dr. Peter Mitchell & Associates in Kelowna. A crown can be placed on top of a damaged tooth in order to restore function, aesthetics and shape.

Those who suffer from a broken tooth or experience a large filling or root canal, may be the ideal candidate. Children often receive a silver crown over top of decayed or damaged teeth that need to stay in place as space savers until their adult tooth arrives.

The crown, also commonly referred to as a cap, protects the surface of the tooth from becoming damaged further. All of the bacteria and decay is carefully removed prior to the crown being fitted and placed.

Different Types of Dental Crowns

Our team is committed to helping our clients implement the best solution. There are four different dental crown types to explore. The type of material depends largely upon the severity of the issue and which tooth is affected.

Ceramic Dental Crowns

This is the most common restoration for front teeth. This porcelain based material offers superior colour matching ability. Your smile will be perfectly restored and no one will even be able to tell which tooth received the crown.

Porcelain Crown fused to metal

This type of dental crown is connected to a metal component; providing an extremely durable and stronger bond in comparison to traditional porcelain.

Gold Alloys

This dental crown is comprised of a mixture of copper, gold and additional metals. It provides an extremely strong bond and will not be susceptible to fracturing. The gold crowns do not wear the tooth down, making it most popular with molar restorations.

Base Metal Alloys

This type of dental crown utilizes specific non-noble metals to create a strong bond. Extremely resistant to corrosion, this crown is often chosen for restorations requiring the least amount of healthy tooth being removed prior to being fit.

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Quality Care

Dr. Sandy Crocker, Dr. Peter Mitchell & Associates on Springfield Road in Kelowna can help you determine which type of crown will best suit your individual needs. The quality and integrity of the underlying tooth, along with the type of filling materials used are all determining factors to consider.

The Procedure

We will provide clients with a local anesthetic and remove the damaged portion of the tooth. Some filing maybe required to ensure the new crown can snugly fit over top. Dental impressions are taken and your new crown is made at the lab. We will fit a temporary crown in place until your custom solution arrives.

Our professional and friendly team will double check your comfort level and your bite once the crown has been placed. We will book your next appointment and place your permanent crown once we have obtained your restoration from the lab. Your dental crown will help protect the longevity, health and wellbeing of your smile.

Maintaining Your Oral Health

It is vital to understand why you required a crown in the first place. Preventing future damage to your smile is important. We will keep a close eye on all of your oral restorations during your regular dental checkups. Brush, floss and swish as per usual to prevent any biofilm, plaque or bacteria from taking hold.

If you notice any pain or discomfort, be sure to contact us right away. Many dental issues can spread and become worse if untreated. We look forward to helping you find your smile once again!

Don’t hesitate to book your next checkup with Dr. Sandy Crocker, Dr. Peter Mitchell & Associates in Kelowna today!

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