Crossbite Correction with Dr. Sandy Crocker in Kelowna

When your bite does not line up correctly, severe implications can occur. You can easily check in the mirror to see if you have a crossbite by noticing if your upper teeth and lower teeth come together correctly.

Dentist Kelowna | Dr. Sandy Crocker, Dr. Peter Mitchell & Associates

When your bite does not line up correctly, severe implications can occur. You can easily check in the mirror to see if you have a crossbite by noticing if your upper teeth and lower teeth come together correctly. When the upper jaw and lower jaw are not correctly positioned, you will notice the center of the middle teeth do not match. When we bite together with a normal occlusion, the upper teeth are over top of the lower teeth. However, when the upper teeth close on the inside of the lower teeth, a crossbite situation is at hand.

A crossbite can affect a single tooth or multiple teeth and may be located in the front of the mouth (anterior crossbite) or at the back of the mouth (posterior crossbite). Fortunately, Dr. Sandy Crocker, Dr. Peter Mitchell and Associates on Springfield Road in Kelowna can address your bite concerns; producing a healthy, radiant and functional smile.

Why Does My Bite Matter?

When your teeth do not close correctly, a misaligned bite can not only affect the appearance of your bite and your self-esteem, it can cause a host of symptoms including:

  • Muscle pain in jaw, head and neck
  • Headaches
  • Asymmetrical lower jaw growth
  • Hard to clean areas more prone to tooth decay
  • Gum disease
  • Bruxism/clenching/grinding
  • Speech impediments
  • Unstable bite that may lead to dentition collapse

Dentists Kelowna | Dr. Sandy Crocker, Dr. Peter Mitchell & AssociatesEasy Orthodontic Assessment

Our family friendly dental practice invites you to book an appointment if you would like an in-depth assessment of your oral health. Addressing orthodontic concerns in children earlier than later can drastically influence overall treatment times. Our friendly team can conduct a thorough dental exam, view your X-Rays, and provide you with some great options to consider. Maintaining a healthy, happy smile is imperative for your entire well-being. From self-confidence to digestion and many facets in between, healthy oral health consists of straight teeth that are easy to clean and maintain.

Crossbite Treatment Options in Kelowna

It is never too late to obtain your perfect smile. There are numerous routes to take including: orthodontic appliances, braces, removal of teeth, jaw surgery and dental restorations. We always prefer to keep your natural teeth when possible, avoid jaw surgery, and tooth extraction if possible. Every client is different and we are happy to discuss the nature of your smile. Crossbite correction can be completed with some time and patience and we promise the results and benefits to your overall dentition are well worth it!


Call Dr. Sandy Crocker and Dr. Peter Mitchell today at 250.860.7747 to schedule your next cleaning or dental exam.

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